Yasmin - from Mainz (Germany), 28 januari 2025

My time with Bouke

The first time I saw Bouke was on Instagram.
There excerpts from the "A tribute to" program were shown.
I was fascinated by his voice.

Around this time I learned that I would have a surgery on my brain a few months later.
I wasn't afraid, but I wasn't allowed to do many things anymore.
So I made a kind of bucketlist.
One with things that I really want to do after my surgery.
The surgery was successful, but I had to cross one thing after the other off the list.
Only Bouke remained.

The train wanted to throw a spanner in the works, but in the end I was able to go to Almere for a day and actually sat in the front row.
It was such a great feeling to be there.
Don't ask me how, but Bouke talked to me and also sang a song for me in German.
It was a wonderful evening that gave me an incredible amount of strength and confidence.

And what can I say?
I sat next to a wonderful woman and we had a very fun evening together and exchanged numbers.

On Saturday we will see each other again at the same place at a Bouke concert.
Not in the front row, but we will have just as much fun as last year.
And in June again...

There will be many more wonderful concerts to come. I'm sure of that.

Yasmin - from Mainz (Germany)

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Monique Slotboom
een maand geleden

Thank you for sharing your Bouke story, I hope you are doing well now. I was in Almere too when he sang for you, it was a lovely moment! I am happy to hear you are able to go to Almere again this weekend and wish you an amazing evening again.